How to sign electronically with inSign
The electronic signature solution inSign supports various ways of providing a signature. All signature methods are legally valid, but differ in terms of how they are provided and verified. In this article, we present the various signature methods of inSign in detail. We explain how they work and which legal framework conditions they fulfil.
Table of contents
Name input
The simplest and quickest option is to enter your name. This can be done without the need of an additional device for signature capture. All you have to do to sign is enter your first name and surname using the keyboard.
- The electronic signature (also often referred to as a “simple electronic signature”)
- The advanced electronic signature
- The qualified electronic signature
In the event of a dispute, the confirmed e-mail address and the audit report serve as evidence.
What does “confirmed e-mail address” mean?
With the name input method, by clicking on the signature link in the e-mail, you ensure that the signatory has access to the relevant e-mail address. This is then linked to the signature.What is an audit report?
An audit report is an automatically generated log detailing the entire signing process.This log includes:
- All significant events, e.g. file uploads and downloads, document editing, signatures provided, etc.
- Details of the events, e.g. date and time, device type used, system information, document names, etc.
- Signature type (simple, advanced, qualified electronic signature)
- Contact information of persons involved (optionally masked)
The inSign team’s recommendation: Documents with a low risk of dispute can be signed using the “name input” signature method. These include, for example, general terms and conditions, customer information, documentation and internal protocols. For very important documents, one of the following signature methods should be selected.
To sign, the signatory clicks on the signature field and enters their first name and surname using the keyboard. After clicking on the “Sign” button, the signature is embedded in the document with the date and time.Name input+
Name input+ involves providing a signature by keyboard combined with a confirmed mobile phone number.
In the event of a dispute, the confirmed e-mail address, the confirmed mobile phone number and the audit report serve as evidence.
After clicking on the signature field, the signatory enters their mobile phone number and confirms the code they receive by SMS. They then enter their name using the keyboard, and the signature is embedded in the document along with their mobile phone number, date and time.Handwriting
The handwritten signature is another variant of the advanced electronic signature (AES) according to eIDAS. The signature is provided on a touch device. Biometric data is recorded, which can help clarify disputes.What is biometric data?
Examples of biometric data include writing speed, writing direction, writing pauses and writing pressure. In cases of dispute, a handwriting expert can analyse the data and prepare a written report.Procedure
The signatory clicks on the signature field and provides a handwritten signature using a pen or their finger on a device with a touch-sensitive screen, e.g. a smartphone or tablet. The biometric data captured in this way is encrypted and embedded in the document.If the device on which the signature is to be provided does not have a touch-sensitive screen (e.g. PC), the signature process can be redirected to another device.
- inSign app
- QR code
- SMS link
- E-mail link
The biometric data, the confirmed e-mail address and the automatically generated audit report serve as proof.
Qualified certificate
Another method is the signature via a qualified certificate, the qualified electronic signature (QES), as it is known, according to eIDAS. It requires the signatory to be identified on a one-off basis before signing and is legally secure and verifiable. The qualified electronic signature is mandatory if the legislator prescribes the written form according to Section 126 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
The signatory clicks on the signature field and logs in to the issuer of their personal certificate (e.g. D-Trust sign-me, A-Trust ID Austria, Swisscom Mobile ID etc.). If the signatory does not yet have a qualified certificate, personal identification is required for initial certificate creation. The person can be identified via video, ID (eID) or selfie identification, for example.A TAN is then sent by SMS, which triggers the qualified electronic signature.
The qualified electronic signature is then embedded in the document.
The personal certificate, e-mail address and audit report serve as proof.
All-in-one explanatory video with step-by-step instructions
The following video gives you an overview of all inSign signature methods. You are welcome to test out inSign for free and use this video as guidance. (in German)
Frequently asked questions about the inSign signature methods
The signature type is a legal term according to eIDAS, while the signature method describes the way in which the signature is provided.
The name input+ method requires the signatory’s mobile phone number as an additional identity feature.
The following options are available to you:
- QR code
- SMS link
- E-mail link
- inSign app
No, a one-off identification is required for the qualified signature. You only have to identify yourself again if you change your name or address.
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