Bildungs­institut Süd benefits from the legally secure solution inSign

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  • Post last modified:21. January 2025
Bildungsinstitut Süd benefits from inSign

Interview with Managing Director Dipl.-Päd. Linda Herrmann

The Bildungsinstitut Süd offers individual coaching and further training for people who are currently receiving benefits (unemployment benefit I or citizen’s allowance). The aim is to support the recipients in their sustainable return or integration into the German labour market.
Trained experts offer help with official matters and train participants for the application process. The Bildungsinstitut Süd works closely with Federal Employment Agencies throughout Germany, opening up new opportunities for people to enter the workforce.
In recent years, the Bildungsinstitut Süd has increasingly digitalised its offerings. Key to us here is that after online training sessions, participants can confirm their attendance with a digital signature that complies with data protection regulations.
We interviewed Linda Herrmann (Managing Director) and asked her about her experiences with the electronic signature inSign.

You work in an educational institute. Who do you work with?

“Bildungsinstitut Süd” is designed for people who are unemployed and want/need to be reintegrated into the labour market. Our clients are the Federal Employment Agencies throughout Germany.”

How did you become aware of the electronic signature solution inSign?

“We became aware of inSign through our own research online.”

Why did you choose this solution?

“After getting the company ‘online’ in the wake of the COVID pandemic and doing a lot of research, comparing price-performance and ease of use with the tool, I ended up staying with inSign and have integrated it firmly into the company.”

For which documents/processes do you use inSign?

“The participants in our programmes have to document their attendance at online training every day. Similarly, all documents relevant to online training must be digitally signed in accordance with the Accreditation and Licensing Ordinance for Employment Support (AZAV). The important thing here is that the electronic signature is legally secure and compliant with data protection!”

What is the most common use case? Can you describe the process in more detail?

“We need attendance lists, participant contracts, data protection declarations to be digital and legally secure/data protection compliant.”

What has changed since the introduction of the e-signature solution?

“Since the introduction of e-signature and the possibility of online learning, the company’s profit has changed, as we have fewer expenses (no more room rentals, no travel costs, etc.). Flexible working allows employees to arrange their working hours more freely.

More specifically, the inSign solution allows for accurate documentation about the training sessions, which is very important for our clients.”

Would you recommend inSign to other educational institutions?

“Absolutely yes! I have already recommended inSign to several of my professional colleagues, who have now also integrated inSign into their company.”

Are further digitisation measures planned for the future?

“Yes! The company now only runs online and there are several major projects planned for the coming year that will be developed online.”
Bildungsinstitut Süd

About Bildungsinstitut Süd

  • Programmes and coaching for integration into the labour market
  • Live and online knowledge transfer and support in the application process
  • The Institute works with all Federal Employment Agencies throughout Germany
inSign elektronische Unterschrift

About inSign

  • Electronic signature solution Made & Hosted in Germany
  • On the market for over ten years
  • 100% legal, compliant with GDPR and eIDAS
  • Document protection and provability
About the author
Christina Detling – Online Marketing Manager
Christina has been working at inSign for over five years and is happy to pass on her knowledge of electronic signatures and digitisation.