FAQ about
the electronic signature inSign


What is inSign?

inSign logo
inSign is a software for electronic signatures that is developed and hosted in Germany. Any PDF document can be signed legally and digitally using inSign. The signature solution has already been on the market since 2013 and is market leader in the German insurance sector.

Which kind of electronic signature is inSign?

As a rule, inSign is used to gather so-called advanced electronic signatures (AES) in line with eIDAS. However, inSign also supports other signature types. In the case of qualified electronic signatures (QES), a corresponding trust service is incorporated into the service.

More information on the three signature types

How is an electronic signature created using inSign?

How is an electronic signature created using inSign? The document is uploaded to inSign or alternatively, can be transferred via API. Signature fields, check boxes and text fields can then be added afterwards. The document is then either signed immediately and/or other signatures can be requested. The signature can be made without any special hardware – such as an MDE device – using any current browser. A touch-sensitive device such as a smartphone or tablet is required for the handwritten signature. No touch device is required to enter the name using a keyboard or the certificate-based signature. All processes are clearly displayed in the process management section. Documents can be opened, downloaded or deleted.

Can a document be signed directly on the computer?

It is possible to sign a document in the browser directly. In the case of a handwritten signature (AES), a touch-sensitive screen is required for signing. If the computer does not have a touchscreen, the signature request can be redirected to a smartphone or tablet. inSign has its own automatic screen-type recognition function, and shows the user which options they have for redirecting the signature.

Is there an app?

Yes, the app is an optional extension to the online application for users who sign on a regular basis. The e-signature is usually made directly in the browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, etc.).

Where can I find the login code for the inSign app?

The inSign app can only be used in combination with a licence. The login code to connect the app with the online application can be found in the online application.

Do I have to download inSign 365?

No, inSign 365 is a cloud-based online application. You can find it under the following link: https://app.getinsign.de/.

Which features does the e-signature solution offer?

Depending on the type of licence, the software has the following features:

How does the weblink feature work and what should be taken into account?

inSign customers can have the system generate a weblink (Internet URL) for a template. This link can be embedded into one’s own website. Whenever visitors to the website click this link, inSign automatically creates a process from the template and opens this process for the website visitor. They can fill out and sign the document, close the process and download the document copy. The inSign customer will then automatically receive a notification and can download the completed document via the process management section.
Using the expample of handwritten signature from a signatory’s perspective:

How is a process forwarded to another person/other people?

A link for signing the process is sent e.g. via email to one or more person(s). The link to the document and the login password are sent separately. Two-factor authentication is possible, among other things.

Can a document be signed by multiple persons?

Yes, a process can be signed by multiple persons, by creating multiple signature fields. These can be allocated to the signatory. It is also possible to determine the order of the signatures.
Signature fields

Can processes also be declined?

Yes, processes can also be declined by the signatory with good reason.

What are the technical requirements to be able to use inSign?

All that is required for inSign is an up-to-date browser. In the case of a handwritten signature method, a touch-sensitive screen is required for signing by hand. If the computer does not have a touchscreen, the signature request can be redirected to a smartphone or tablet.

Why is the digital signature the better alternative to the scanned / faxed signature?

Scanned and faxed signatures are hardly provable because it is only an image of the signature. The identity is difficult to prove. Digital signatures are linked to data that can be assigned to a person.

What sets inSign apart from its competitors?

  • High data protection requirements
  • High market acceptance
  • Different types of signature possible in one document
  • Confidentiality in line with section 203 of the German Penal Code (StGB)
  • Specifying the position of the optical signature in the document
  • Form editor and special features
  • Document protection following the signature
  • And much more …
inSign in comparison

Do new customers receive any training or other resources?

Yes, we offer regular free webinars for interested parties and newcomers (currently only in German language). Here is the link for registration: www.getinsign.de/webinar/. There is also a help and support area for customers that contains instructions, practical examples and FAQs.

Legality, security, provability

Are electronic signatures from inSign legal?

Advanced electronic signatures fulfil all the requirements set by eIDAS:

Qualified electronic signatures fulfil all the requirements set by eIDAS:

Is the electronic signature with inSign provable?

biometric features by example
Yes, depending on the type of signature, a wide range of data can be used as proof in the case of dispute, including
  • Audit logs
  • Email addresses
  • Biometric signature files (AES)
  • Qualified certificates (QES)
In the case of a handwritten electronic signature, the writing process (the handwriting style) is recorded during signing. The biometric data captured in this way are encrypted and embedded in the PDF document.

The identity of the signatory is determined in advance with the qualified electronic signature. An evidence-safe document is created when signing takes places with a two-factor authentication.

Is inSign compliant with GDPR and eIDAS?

The digital signing process takes all legal requirements into account, without exception. This includes the GDPR and eIDAS, as well as BGB and BDSG. See also: www.getinsign.com/legal-data-protection/

Does inSign in accordance with ZertES?

inSign in Swirtzerland
The Swiss federal law on electronic signatures ZertES is equivalent to the European eIDAS regulation. inSign is in accordance with both eIDAS and ZertES. For the qualified electronic signature, we work together with approved trust services.

What happens if the paper signature and e-signature do not match?

It is not unusual for there to be differences between the paper and screen signature. However, in the case of the handwritten signature with inSign, other data are captured alongside the image of the signature, for example, the speed and direction of the writing. These characteristics are different for every person. This makes it possible to prove the authenticity of a signature, even in the case of visual deviations.

How do I know if a document has been altered?

As part of the electronic signature, inSign has applied a digital certificate with a checksum to the document. This certificate/checksum can be validated. Various online services or software programmes are available for this purpose. Many users like to open the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader, as validation is carried out directly.

Should the document have been subsequently altered, this will be labelled with a red x and with the following annotation: ‘This signature is invalid. The documents were altered or damaged after the signature was added.’ If the symbol is green, everything is okay.
Signature valid
Signature invalid

Why is inSign not listed among the trust service providers?

inSign is the software provider of the inSign signature solution and co-operates with well-known trust service providers such as D-Trust, A-Trust and Swisscom. Trust service providers are required exclusively for qualified electronic signatures. They check and validate the certificate-based signature.

Is the signature with inSign LTV-capable?

Yes, the signature is LTV-capable and therefore valid even after the certificate expires.

What happens if you want to decrypt data and are no longer a customer?

You can request us to decrypt the data at any time, regardless of whether you are still a customer or not.


Which documents can be signed using inSign?

As a rule, our e-signature solution can be used to fill out and sign any PDF documents.

The inSign Word add-in also makes it possible to automatically convert Word documents to PDF documents, which can also be digitally signed.

The same is possible with the Excel add-in for Excel documents.
Elektronische Unterschrift inSign auf Smartphone

Is it also possible to write the signature with a finger?

Yes, the handwritten advanced electronic signature (AES) can be written with the finger as well as a pen using inSign. Other options for signing include entering the name or the certificate-based (QES) with the keyboard.

Is the electronic signature solution useful for both internal and external processes?

With inSign, all signature processes can be digitalised, whether external or internal. Typical internal application cases include signing employment contracts or authorisations. Common external application cases include signing applications, contracts and membership documents.

Other industry-independent application options

Is it possible to sign a document electronically using different signature service providers?

Technologically speaking, there is no reason PDFs cannot be signed using different digital signatures, but it goes without saying that compatibility between different signature service providers cannot be guaranteed. As a principle, we recommend using optional signature fields for this purpose.

Is inSign suitable for the insurance industry?

Yes, we have a number of reputable clients in the insurance industry such as Generali Versicherung and Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe and have been market leaders in this sector for many years. The e-signature solution makes it possible, for example, to sign insurance contracts, consultation protocols, broker agreements, offers, etc. electronically. What’s more, we have developed an Insurance Contract Act (VVG) mode for the insurance industry, which ensures that the client has already received and read the respective document before the signature is made.

Is inSign suitable for the real estate?

Yes, the e-signature solution can be very useful for estate agents. Many of these paper-based procedures can be replaced with digital processes using inSign. This saves time and money and is not only convenient for the agents, but also for the customers. For example, the following documents can be signed using the electronic signature solution: Rental contracts, lease agreements, tenant information documents, privacy statements, etc.

Is inSign suitable for the financial industry?

Yes, inSign can also be used in the financial industry, for example, at a bank or credit institute. inSign is eIDAS-compliant and meets all legal requirements of the respective regulations and guidelines of the EU and EEA. inSign can be used to electronically sign SEPA direct debit mandates, bonus payments, statements for changing and opening accounts, and much more. V-BANK is leading the way. It was the first German bank to fully conclude the account-opening process digitally using inSign.

Is it possible to use inSign in the energy industry?

Yes, inSign can significantly reduce the average processing time of processes. Many documents such as tariff-change contracts or framework agreements can be signed electronically. Thüga Energienetze GmbH is already using inSign in all its business processes.

Find more use cases for energy industry

Is it possible to use inSign in the trade industry?

The e-signature solution can be used in the trade industry both internally, for example, in the case of employment contracts and externally, for example, in the case of order confirmations or legal disclaimers. It is convenient and fitting for the digital age. A typical example might be a repair or installation service which, after having completed work, has the customer sign digitally using the tablet.

Is it possible to use inSign in the healthcare industry?

Yes. Signing processes digitally are inconvenient and time-consuming, especially in hospitals and medical practices. However, it is often legally required to obtain patient consent by means of a signature. This can be done electronically, for example, by providing the patient with a tablet in the waiting room. It is easy to sign commonly used documents such as patient information sheets, treatment contracts or admittance forms electronically.

Is inSign suitable for the automotive industry?

Yes, the integration of an electronic signature solution provides great relief for employees and customers, especially in the automotive industry. The inSign e-signature solution makes it possible, for example, to sign the following documents electronically: Purchasing and leasing contracts, letters of attorney, transport requests, repair requests and our clients include the likes of Pixelconcept and DYNAREX.

Is inSign suitable for tax advisors and the like?

Tax advisors, auditors and lawyers can use inSign with confidence because the signature is eIDAS-compliant and conclusive. Typical application cases include tax declarations, mandate and fee agreements, letters of attorney, authorisation and audit reports. Here, you can read how the e-signature is used in practice by a law firm: SEIDEL RUNTEMUND + PARTNER bank on inSign electronic signature

Is it possible to use inSign in the tourist industry?

inSign is ideal for travel agents, event organisers, hotels and caterers because there are a whole host of processes in this sector for which documents have to be filled out and signed. Booking confirmations, hotel purchases, goods receipts and many other documents can easily be signed electronically. This enables you to create efficient and customer-oriented modes of working at your company.

Licence and costs

Who needs an inSign licence?

Every person who provides documents for signing requires an inSign licence.

In the case of inSign 365, this is a user licence. This means that every licence is allocated to one person and may not be used by multiple persons. It is permitted to use different devices.

inSign enterprise can be integrated. This means that the licence is valid for all of the company’s business processes.

Does the signatory also need a licence?

No, neither a licence nor registration is required for providing a signature. Once the document has been approved, the signatory receives a processing link (and also a password, on request) which can be used to read and sign the document. The signatory will not be asked to agree with the general terms and conditions of inSign.

Video tutorial for signatories (only available in German):

Electronic signature by handwriting


Electronic signature by name input via keyboard

Sign using the keyboard

How many documents can be sent/signed?

Responsive devices

There is no limit to the number of documents. The Fair-Use-Policy only prescribes 100 e-signatures per month as a benchmark for inSign 365. In the event that this figure is exceeded regularly and by a significant amount, we contact the customer in order to work out a solution together. Every process with inSign enterprise is charged. It is also possible to book a flat rate .

Are non-profit organisations, start-ups and educational institutions eligible for a discount?

We grant charitable organisations special licence models on request. Start-up companies and educational institutions are also eligible to receive the inSign 365 licence at reduced prices.

How is an licence acquired?

Individual licences can be purchased via our web shop. Our web application is free for 30 days, only then does the chargeable term begin.

I need the QES once for my documents. How much does the one-off use cost?

Our signature software inSign is primarily used to request signatures from customers and contractual partners. We do not offer one-off qualified signing of a document (neither for a fee nor free of charge).

The qualified electronic signature is only available as an add-on module to an active inSign licence agreement. If you are interested, please contact our inSign team.

Can the software be tested for free?

Yes, the electronic signature solution inSign 365 can be tested for free for 30 days. It is possible to terminate without notice during this period. The free test-phase is automatically transferred to a paid subscription insofar as the contract is not terminated before the test period elapses.
inSign enterprise Interested parties get a tailor-made test instance. 

How much does an inSign 365 licence cost?

The costs for an inSign 365 come to a total of
  • €24.90 per user per, month plus VAT (annual payment)
  • or €26.90 per user, per month plus VAT (monthly payment)
The minimum contract period is 12 months. Non-profit organisations, start-up companies and educational institutions receive inSign 365 under special conditions. In this case, an enquiry via the contact form is enough.

The prices for multiple licences (monthly payment) are as follows:

Number of licences
Price/user per month*


26.90 €
Number of licences


Price/user per month*
26.90 €

2 – 9

22.00 €
20 %
Number of licences

2 – 9

Price/user per month*
22.00 €
20 %

10 – 19

20.00 €
28 %
Number of licences

10 – 19

Price/user per month*
20.00 €
28 %

20 – 49

18.00 €
36 %
Number of licences

20 – 49

Price/user per month*
18.00 €
36 %

from 50

16.00 €
44 %
Number of licences

from 50

Price/user per month*
16.00 €
44 %
*Price per user plus VAT at monthly rates

How much does inSign enterprise cost?

It is not possible to give a general answer, as the enterprise version is tailored very specifically to each company. If we have piqued your interest, we are happy to create a tailor-made offer.

Is there an agreement regarding order data processing?

Yes, there is an contract for order data processing for inSign. For further information please contact us.
Frequently asked questions about e-signature in general:
All about electronic signature