Simple signature processes
Digital signature for your business

inSign electronic signature
Request signatures is easy as pie

The electronic signature software enables the quick and easy signing of documents – in a 100% digital and 100% legally compliant process. Suitable for all company sizes, self-employed and freelancers.


legally compliant

data privacy

Makes your business
100% sexy

Makes your customers and partners satisfied


Faster turnaround times
- 2 days instead of 2 weeks -

Individual and easy to integrate

Continuous further development

Electronic signature:
As simple as writing an email!
Sign PDF electronically
electronic signature
Signed PDF document
Fill in
Save paper
No postage, no printer, no media discontinuity
Save time
Due to mandatory fields fewer documents with missing data
Save money
Increasing efficiency by completing more processes within the same time
Have fun
A signature that’s fun

Our USPs - what do we do better than others?

High data protection standards

Our product is made in Germany with high standards of data protection and legal compliance. inSign is legally binding in the European Union and meets all EU data protection requirements.

In many sectors for over 10 years

inSign has been on the market for 10 years in various sectors and is used by well over 10 million users in many European countries.

Available in many languages

inSign is available in more than 15 languages: German (DE/CH), English, Spanish, Italian, French, Czech, Polish, Dutch, Slovak, Bulgarian, Arabic, Hungarian, North Macedonian, Romanian, Lithuanian. More to come.

Different signature types in one document

inSign offers simple (SES), advanced (AES) and qualified electronic signatures (QES) according to eIDAS. The signature method can be specified depending on the usage scenario and also mixed in one document.

Placing optical signatures in the document

The process creator specifies the expected signatures including their positions thereby preventing signatories from signing in the wrong place. Furthermore, PDF documents can be filled with various form fields.

Document protection after the first signature

After the first signatory has signed, changing the document is no longer possible, i.e. all contractual partners sign the same version of the document.

Secure signature solution: tested & certified

German company

Location in Freising

EU based servers

Security, data protection and performance

Strong encryption

RSA-3072 and NIST P-384

Electronic signature Europe
Made in Germany,
used in Europe

Product variants

Which signature solution is right for you?
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* Price per user plus VAT at yearly rates (monthly rates 26.90€), minimum contract term 1 year
* Price per user plus VAT at yearly rates (monthly rates 26.90€), minimum contract term 1 year
* Price per user plus VAT at yearly rates (monthly rates 26.90€), minimum contract term 1 year

FAQ – Key issues about our digital signature

The electronic signature can be used for legal purposes in all European Union countries and cannot be rejected as evidence. inSign supports the signature types simple electronic signature (SES), advanced electronic signature (AES) and qualfied electronic signature (QES) in accordance with both eIDAS and ZertES.

More about legal and data protection

You can sign and fill in any kind of PDF documents with our signature software. Whether invoices, order confirmations or contracts – signing is easy thanks to inSign. With the inSign Word Add-in, Word documents can also be automatically converted into a PDF, making it very easy to sign them electronically. The same is possible with the Excel add-in for Excel documents.

Further use cases

Yes, with inSign signatures be made on the computer by means of keyboard input or qualified certificate (QES).
For the handwritten electronic signature, a touch-sensitive screen (smartphone, tablet, etc.) is required. If a computer does not have a touch screen, the signature process can be redirected to a smartphone, for example.

All about features and advantages of inSign

inSign creates an audit report (transaction log) of the complete signature workflow. This, together with the information depending on the signature method, serves as proof in the event of any disputes. The evidential value of the biometric data in the handwritten signature of inSign was examined by an qualified handwriting expert and positively assessed in an expert opinion. All inSign signatures are GDPR and eIDAS compliant and 100% secure.

More about advanced and qualified signature

Our customers rely on inSign
Yannick Schlemm
Yannick SchlemmPersonal trainer & nutrition coach
Signing on paper is old school. We no longer sign anything without inSign.
Dr. Volker Runtemund
Dr. Volker RuntemundTax consultant, lawyer and specialist lawyer
I am very happy with the electronic signature solution inSign, as the processes are completed much faster.
Andreas Rosemeier
Andreas RosemeierFront-end and Sales-Services

Our current target is that inSign will map the majority of signature processes - both internal and external - at Debeka.
Daniel Wiegel
Daniel WiegelBusinessman for Insurance & Finance
LVM Insurance
It's perfect the way it is... It's by far the best place to do online signatures. Many thanks for that.
Wolfgang Hörnig
Wolfgang HörnigManaging Board
Heimbaugenossenschaft Unterfranken
We are very happy. inSign has become an integral part of our company.
Armin Klaiber
Armin KlaiberController
kühn & weyh Software GmbH

The support from Mrs Welser is excellent and very fast! Many thanks for that.
Maximilian Francke
Maximilian FranckeSenior Office Manager
Wattif Europe GmbH

Simple solution for TOP signatures!
Fast and good template creation, very good support.
Daniela Werner
Daniela Werner1st Chairwoman
Animal Welfare Association
Fellnasen e.V.
Since the introduction of inSign, we have much, much less paper in the office (1 contract with 3 pages x 100 per month = 3,600 fewer pages of paper per year).
Linda Herrmann
Linda HerrmannManaging Director
Bildungsinstitut Süd

Flexible working with inSign allows employees to organise their working hours more freely.
Harald Neubauer
Harald NeubauerChief Digital Officer
Merkur Versicherung

inSign gave us the opportunity to shape our electronic signature processes in a highly flexible fashion.
Alen Krajinović
Alen KrajinovićInsurance broker

I think it's good that there are several ways to send and that no extra costs are charged for text messages. All in all, the overall package is good.
Isabel Schlienz
Isabel SchlienzHead of People & Organizational Effectiveness smapOne AG

I really have to say that I have never experienced support like yours before, simply great as a customer.
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