Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe decides in favour of an electronic signature

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Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe decides in favour of an electronic signature

Paperless insurance application with inSign

Freising, 26.02.2014. Nürnberger provides inSign in two stages. In the introductory phase, brokers can first use the e-signature in the “Health” and “Life insurance” lines, before the system is also introduced for the “Exclusivity” line in the expansion phase, and subsequently for all lines.

No additional hardware necessary

Since December 2013, several hundred sales partners of Nürnberger have been using the electronic application process with inSign. For them, the completely paperless insurance application is now possible in the “Life” and “Health” insurance lines. The entire application process can also be carried out paperlessly on the customer side. Customers and agents sign on commercially available smartphones or tablets. Even in the first month, more than 200 applications were received via inSign, says Robert Bärnreuther, Director of Advisory Technology at Nürnberger, “that clearly exceeded my expectations”.

The system does not require any special hardware, such as specific signature pads. For Bärnreuther, this was an important argument for choosing inSign: “We also wanted to equip our brokers with the system. So the idea that we would have to supply all sales partners with their own pad or separate hardware was out of the question.”

Save time and money – and increase legal certainty at the same time

With inSign, everyone involved not only saves a lot of time, but also real cash. The documents are held immediately in-house and can be processed more quickly and automatically. At the same time, the new process increases the level of legal certainty. The process mapped by inSign has been verified by way of expert legal opinions, the verification value of the signature has been proven and the system has been certified by TÜV Saarland.

“We were won over by the expertise, the high level of legal certainty and the reliable cooperation with inSign. We are delighted to be able to offer our sales partners a noticeable improvement in the advisory process with this technical innovation, which is free of charge for them,” says Bärnreuther. “For Nürnberger and its intermediaries, inSign offers real added-value because the electronic signature speeds up the application process enormously and can also be used for post-processing and other documents.”

With Nürnberger, another well-known insurance company relies on this efficient solution. Well-known system partners, as well as broker pools, have already opted for inSign.