Qualified electronic signature at Merkur Versicherung

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  • Post last modified:10. January 2025
Merkur Insurance

Interview with Harald Neubauer (CDO)

Merkur Versicherung AG is Austria’s oldest insurance company and is headquartered in Graz. Among other things, it provides solutions in the fields of health, life, and accident insurance as well as accommodation and legal services. Its core competency is in the healthcare sector. The company has already been using the inSign electronic signature for three years. Merkur currently uses the advanced electronic signature as well as the qualified electronic signature. Harald Neubauer has been working for Merkur Versicherung for a number of years. As Chief Digital Officer, he is responsible for all of the company’s digitisation proecesses, including the ‘Electronic Signature’ project. He shared the impressions and experiences that he has gathered with inSign over the last few years during a short interview:

What convinced you to incorporate inSign into your workflows?

„inSign gave us the opportunity to shape our electronic signature processes in a highly flexible fashion. It is possible to sign using a touch-capable monitor, the inSign app and signature pad. There is also the option of approving the document for the client online. What is particularly important above all else is the provability of the signature, which is ensured by the biometric data of the advanced electronic signature. The “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model from iS2 is a welcome solution for us, as it enables us to outsource our service. We are very happy, since all of our requirements are met with this solution.“

How do you use the electronic signature solution?

„We used the advanced electronic signature both internally and externally from day one. We would still use paper signatures for certain application cases. This is even legally required for certain documents, especially in the life insurance sector, but also in accident insurance. That is why, during the Coronavirus crisis, it was necessary for us to also make it possible to sign electronically. So in 2020, we entered into discussions with iS2 about the QES and rolled out this process in 2021, which also includes A-Trust (supplier of qualified certificates in Austria).“

Which positive changes have you observed so far?

„We receive regular feedback from our customers and partners on the functionality of inSign. So far, this has been very positive. Signature processes are now much faster than with previous solutions. Both we and the customers are particularly fond of using the “Edit online” feature. This wonderful feature makes it possible to work unconventionally, so that somebody can be lying on the beach on holiday and still sign important papers quickly. This comes with the unbeatable advantage that the process is not delayed.“

What else are you planning in terms of digitisation for the near future?

„We are focussed on two other important projects. On the one hand, we want to automate our back-end processes and, on the other, we are working on the digital user experience. We are aiming to make it possible for our customers to reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week.“

Would you recommend the inSign electronic signature solution to others?

Yes, definitely. We are very happy. An electronic signature solution including QES is an important requirement right now, especially in the field of shadow processing. The quick and easy operation and handling of the process is also highly valued by the sales team. So this is high praise, the system delivers what was promised! We have also already been approached on the subject of inSign and have recommended the software to others.“

Are there any closing comments that you would like to give?

„We use inSign very often, and are also operating the stand-alone solution. I don’t think that the people are even aware what they can achieve with the stand-alone solution, and that inSign also provides great support outside of highly technical processes. Maybe the inSign team could provide interested parties with more information in this regard.“

merkur versicherung logo

About Merkur Versicherung:

  • Austria’s oldest insurance company is celebrating its 224th anniversary this year.
  • Alongside the headquarters in Graz and three sales offices, there are also branch offices in every federal state.
  • 50 employees in the group
  • Subsidiary companies in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and a marketing office in South Tirol.
  • Its core competency is healthcare.
inSign Logo

About the inSign electronic signature solution:

  • Legally compliant electronic signature solution developed and operated in Germany
  • Makes closing contracts child’s play
  • Over ten years of market experience
  • TÜV-certified and GDPR-compliant
  • Advanced and qualified electronic signatures in line with eIDAS
About the author
Christina Detling – Online Marketing Manager
Christina has been working at inSign for over five years and is happy to pass on her knowledge of electronic signatures and digitisation.