Thüga Energienetze GmbH relies on the electronic signature inSign

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  • Post last modified:10. January 2025
Thüga Energienetze GmbH relies on the electronic signature inSign

Project manager Siegfried Seibold introduces inSign in record time

We always find it exciting to hear for what purposes our e-signature solution is used and how it affects processes. That is why we interviewed Siegfried Seibold, project manager “Digitalisation of postal processes”.

What has convinced you to integrate inSign into your workflows?

The decisive factors were, on the one hand, the outstanding contact and the very fast response times to all enquiries (e.g. a fully functional test account after only a few hours) by the iS2 consultants. In addition, we were provided with various expert opinions. This meant that the fulfilment of legal requirements was transparent from the outset.

For me personally, it was also important that the biometric documents with the signatures can be sent as a physical letter via our print service provider. It was possible to try this out early on with great success thanks to the test access, which fitted perfectly into achieving the objective of a continuous process for physical individual letter dispatch – independent of location – by a print service provider.

How long did the integration / introduction of the product take?

From initial contact with iS2 AG to the rollout, it was approx. two months.

In which business processes do you use inSign?

We offer users the possibility to use the electronic signature in all business processes which require a legally secure signature. So there is currently no restriction on its use.

What positive changes have you been able to observe so far?

Since we maintain several locations and the authorised signatories are not always at those locations, we were able to achieve a significant acceleration of individual processes. Given that we had already started the implementation process before the big “COVID wave”, we were able to continue working almost unaffected.

What else are you planning in terms of digitalisation in the near future?

We are in a close process of exchange with the iS2 team to consider possible functional extensions of inSign. We see a lot of potential in supporting even more processes at Thüga Energienetze.

At the moment, we are still in the process of digitalising the physical in-house mailbox together with a service provider. We will also be able to successfully complete this sub-project in the foreseeable future.
Thüga Logo
With around 100 municipal utilities, Thüga is one of the largest networks of municipal energy and water service providers in Germany. Thüga supplies over 120 towns and municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. More than 200 employees handle the management, maintenance and expansion of the networks.
inSign Logo
inSign is the software solution for electronic signatures and is used throughout Europe. The software enjoys a high level of acceptance because it is hosted by a German company on German servers, and it is the market leader in the insurance industry. Two product variants are currently offered: inSign smart business for individual users and SMEs, and inSign enterprise.
About the author
Christina Detling – Online Marketing Manager
Christina has been working at inSign for over five years and is happy to pass on her knowledge of electronic signatures and digitisation.